About eClipse Professional Services

eClipse Professional Services was founded in 2005 by Leslie Bihari, who spent six years consulting pharmaceutical, CRO and biotechnology companies on the implementation, validation and global deployment of Phase Forward's industry leading electronic data capture system InForm™ and clinical data management system Clintrial™. While consulting for Phase Forward, Mr. Bihari focused on integrating the Phase Forward applications with other client systems for clinical trial management, safety, document management, inventory management and financial and accounting systems. It is then that Mr. Bihari experienced first hand the complexities and challenges of achieving a fully integrated clinical enterprise.

Since founding eClipse, Mr. Bihari and the eClipse team have provided customers with superior service around protocol builds, data management, systems validation and product training. However, eClipse has extended its service offerings to include Enterprise Architecture consultation for unifying the disparate clinical applications into a finely-tuned, comprehensive Clinical Trial Management Enterprise. Partnering with MPower Software gives eClipse the capability of leveraging the MPower Series™ for repeatable and consistent delivery. With Mpower Series, eClipse provides solutions across the fundamental tenants of achieving a Clinical Trial Management Enterprise - powerful and flexible dashboarding solutions, robust reporting environments and tools, and a scalable integration framework.

Call eClipse today to discuss how MPower Series will transform your clinical application landscape into a unified Clinical Trial Management Enterprise.

Electronic Data Capture | Clinical Trial Management | Clinical Data Management
Adapting technology to clinical business process